[callout type=”no” title=”Enquire Now” icon=”hb-moon-checkmark-2″ link=”https://www.sigmascience.com.au/contact/”]Our Preliminary Chemistry Syllabus has been developed and revised in consultation with experienced Chemistry teachers and HSC Markers to ensure that all syllabus outcomes are addressed to the level of detail required.[/callout]
[icon_feature icon_position=”left” icon=”icon-beaker” title=”Focus on concepts”]Our work booklets have been designed to revolve around the central chemistry concepts, involving a structured approach to systematically learn the concepts and then apply the concepts in examination-style questions.
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[icon_feature icon_position=”left” icon=”hb-moon-checkbox” title=”All outcomes addressed”]With our systematic approach, it is clear when we address each dot point. Each syllabus point is addressed to the level of detail required by the syllabus, with a focus on harder questions and common examination pitfalls.
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[icon_feature icon_position=”left” icon=”icon-refresh” title=”Continuous feedback”]Our continuous feedback ensures that you PERFECT your answers, often involving multiple iterations of your responses.
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[title type=”special-h4-left”]Your Tutor[/title][spacer height=”15px”][content_box][/content_box]
[title type=”special-h4-left”]What Students Say[/title][spacer height=”15px”][testimonial_slider slideshow_speed=”12000″]